Here at the Greater Memphis Chamber we love to celebrate business growth and development! There’s nothing like standing beside you as you open the doors to your new business or reveal your new expansion. That’s why we offer our members our expertise and assistance with hosting grand opening and expansion ceremonies. Thank you to our Ribbon Cuttings sponsor, Paragon Bank for helping us support local businesses like you.


We’re happy to celebrate Self Tucker Properties on their grand opening.

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Get to know this Memphis business in this Q&A with Self Tucker Properties:


What is your business celebrating?

On Thursday July 11th Self Tucker Properties celebrated the Grand Re-Opening and the 70th anniversary of the Universal Life Insurance Building which originally opened on July 8th, 1949, as the as newly constructed Headquarters of the Universal Life Insurance Company.

The Founders of the Universal Life Insurance Company left an amazing legacy and we are honored that with the advocacy and support of so many, we have been able to successfully revitalize the Universal Life Insurance Building. Our aspirational goal is to foster a Hub for Innovation for a diverse community of Creatives and Entrepreneurs.

Why did you decide to grow your company in Memphis? Why this location?

Memphis has become a forward-looking city with deep cultural roots and an architectural landscape that is both modern and historica fertile ground for innovation, collaboration and community engagement. Consequently, it was critically important for us to redevelop and repurpose the historic and iconic Universal Life Insurance Building to sustain it as inspiration for future generations.

ULIB Westwhat are some key things that allows your business to grow?

One key strength of Self + Tucker is a committed, multi-generational and diverse team. Creative and innovative Interns work with seasoned Architects that have successfully completed thousands of projects across multiple decades. This collaboration results in a variety of perspectives, design ideas and experiences expressed in the responsive, client focused work that we produce.

A unified vision also helps to guide the work we do. The clarity of that vision: “Designing a better Memphis” is more than a simple slogan, it is a principle that permeates all the work we do in the region and nationally. Our focus on design excellence helps to improve the quality of life in Memphis and our commitment to sustainability helps add to the quality of life of all who use the buildings we design.


Ribbons Blog: Spark Printing


Get to know the newest businesses in Memphis with more from our Ribbons blog, sponsored by Paragon Bank.