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It takes hard work, dedication and sometimes good old fashion luck to build a strong, profitable business. One of the best pieces of advice for entrepreneurs and emerging business owners is to get smart insights from people who have been there before.

See what Pat Nelson, President of Lehman-Roberts Company has to say on how he keeps his business growing. 


What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?

Do the right thing every time. I wish I was a better man and could say that I had never acted contrary to this statement. But, I have never regretted doing the right thing.


What do you wish you knew when you started your business?

I wish that I had understood how valuable the foundation was that I received doing entry-level work. I was in such a hurry to take on more responsibility that I overlooked the value of what I was learning. I would have slowed down and enjoyed it more.


What’s your best time management hack?

Turn off the phone and emails. Once I am able to focus without interruption I get a lot more accomplished, however, it’s easier said than done.


We’ve asked business owners from across the city to share some of their best advice on starting and growing their small business. Want to learn more insights from other Chamber members? Follow the hashtag #MemberAdvice on our social media channels and read more here on our blog.