Member Advice Template (1) 

It takes hard work, dedication and sometimes good old fashion luck to build a strong, profitable business. One of the best pieces of advice for entrepreneurs and emerging business owners is to get smart insights from people who have been there before.

See what Christina Ra’Sool of 7K Metals has to say on how she keeps her business growing. 

What’s the best advice you ever received?

Partner and Align yourself with likeminded individuals. Create a Residual Income that sustains you even while you sleep. Invest 20% of your income into Gold & Silver. Guard your time fiercely. Don’t major in minor things.


What do you wish you knew when you started your business?

Building Generational Wealth is Key! Wealth protection is imperative!


What’s your best time management hack?

Always plan out your week in advance, set and write down your goals for the week. Cut off all distractions during business building hours.


Any other advice or tips you’d like to share?

If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.

We’ve asked business owners from across the city to share some of their best advice on starting and growing their small business. Want to learn more insights from other Chamber members? Follow the hashtag #MemberAdvice on our social media channels and read more here on our blog.