The Greater Memphis Chamber’s Small Business Council is hosting its annual meeting on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 from 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. This year’s guest speaker will be Thomas M. Sullivan, Vice President of Small Business Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
The annual meeting will focus on how federal lawmakers will impact your business in 2020. Sullivan will cover the following topics during the meeting:
Small business hiring environment. Questions we want answered by lawmakers is “how do we make it easier for a small business to hire?” The Chamber’s answer involves education, skills-training, and immigration. Equally important is the ability of small employers to access affordable healthcare and retirement benefits.
Access to capital. Small businesses need capital to flourish and several federal laws and regulations put loans and working capital out of reach for many small businesses. The Chamber has an aggressive regulatory and legislative strategy to help small businesses access capital.
Competitiveness. Making the tax cuts passed 2-years ago work the way they were intended; opening markets through free trade agreements; and regulatory relief from federal mandates – all provide an environment for small businesses to grow and for communities to prosper.
Small business confidence. Focus on the Chamber’s regional small business tour, digital resources platform of www.GrowWithCo.com, and our MetLife & U.S. Chamber of Commerce Small Business Index www.uschamber.com/sbindex
Register here to save your seat for the Small Business Council Annual Meeting.