Chairman’s Circle Members

Chairman — Mike Keeney, Orgill
Vice Chairman — Kevin Woods, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee
Immediate Past Chairman — Bill Dunavant III, Dunavant Enterprises
Kemp Conrad, Cushman & Wakefield | Commercial Advisors LLC
Eustis Corrigan, CBIZ MHM, LLC
Matt Hayden, Boyle Investment Company
Kel Kearns, Amplify Cell Technologies
David McKinney, AutoZone, Inc
Dan Weddle, ProTech Services Group, Inc.
Chairman’s Circle
A2H, Logan Meeks
AAON, Matthew Shaub
ABB, Alex Richert
AB Jets, Andrew Bettis
Adams Keegan, Inc., Jay Keegan
Alco Management, Berkeley Burbank
Allen & Hoshall, Harry Pratt
Allworld Project Management, Michael Hooks, Jr.
ALSAC, Ike Anand
American Material Handling, Josh Lackie
American Residential Services, Chris Fairey
Amplify Cell Technologies, Kel Kearns
Aquaserv, Inc., Witt Meloni
archimania, Barry Yoakum
ARCO Design/Build, Joel Olson
AutoZone, Inc., David McKinney
Baker Donelson, Ben Adams
Bank of America, Trevia Chatman
Baptist Memorial Health Care, Jason Little
Barnhart Crane & Rigging Company, Frank Smith
Barr Brands International, Joe Lyons
Bass, Berry & Sims, PLC, Gil Uhlhorn
BDO, Mike Musick
Belz Enterprises, Ron Belz
Big River Steel, Lenore Trammell
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, Kevin Woods
Blue Suede Networks, Charles Elliott
Boyle Investment Company, Matt Hayden
Bryce Corporation, Richard Williamson
Buckman International, Junai A. Maharaj
Butler Snow, Jason Yarbro
Campbell Clinic, Daniel Shumate
Cargill Cotton, Matt Dunbar
Carlisle Corporation, Chance Carlisle
C.A.T. Global, Chris Carr
CBIZ MHM, LLC, Eustis Corrigan
CBRE-Memphis, Frank Quinn
Charles River Laboratories, Ahmad Hussin
Chris Woods Construction, Grant Mills
Cigna Healthcare, John Webb
City Enterprises, David Andrews
Classic American Hardwoods, Bill Courtney
Colliers, Tim Mashburn
Congruex, Jackie Schirmer
CSX Intermodal, Jane Covington
Cummins, Patricia Covington
Cushman & Wakefield | Commercial Advisors, Greg Spillyards
Data Facts, Daphne Large
DCA, Doug Carpenter
Deloitte, Jonathan Pennington
Delta Benefits Group, Inc, Bobby Jones
Dillard Companies, Chris Bird
Diversified Trust, Robin Smithwick, III
Dobbs Equity Partners, LLC, John Dobbs
Dobbs Management Services, LLC, Edward Dobbs
Draslovka, Jimmy Stockbridge
Drexel Chemical Company, Leigh Shockey
Dunavant Enterprises, Bill Dunavant III
Duncan Williams Asset Management, David Scully
EDGE, Joann Massey
Elvis Presley Enterprises, Jack Soden
EMR Associates, Nate Wilson
EnSafe, Inc., Don Bradford
ESO Management Services, Jimmy Lackie
Evans Petree PC, Joe Getz
Evolve Bank & Trust, Scott Stafford
FedEx, Richard Smith
FESJC/PGA Tour, Joe Tomek
First Choice Sales & Marketing Group, Tyrone Burroughs
First Horizon National Corporation, Bryan Jordan
Flintco, LLC, Tim Weatherford
Fogelman Properties, Mark & Rick Fogelman
Ford-TEVC at Blue Oval City, Ermal Faulkner
Forvis Mazars, LLP, Kim Sheley
Frontdoor, Evan Iverson
Fullen Dock, Dan Nisbit
GP Cellulose, Chuck LaPorte
Gant Systems, Nick Gant
Gerber Taylor, Charles Gerber
Glankler Brown, Bill Bradley
Grant New Homes, Keith Grant
Gravity Productions, Mark Williams
Great Neck Tools, Jake Saunders
Green Mountain Technology, Kevin McLaughlin
Higginbotham Insurance & Financial Services, Johnny Pitts
Highline Warren, Darcy Curran
Hunter Fan, Scott Ayers
Hyde Family Foundation, J.R. “Pitt” Hyde, III
Hyosung HICO, Ltd., Jason Neal
IFF, Jason Wright
IMC Companies, Mark George
Inclusive Excellence Consulting, Mary McConner
Independent Bank, Susan Stephenson
International Paper, Andy Silvernail
Insight Global, Morgan Hunt
JAG Investments, Jason Gillum
Jim Keras Automotive, Jim Keras
KBG Technologies, Kathy Buckman Gibson
Kemmons Wilson Companies, Spence Wilson, Jr.
Kimery Wealth Management, Kevin Kimery
Kroger, Micheal Cristal
Kruger Products, Mark Hauke
Landers Auto Group, Kent Ritchey
Leadership Memphis, Bobby White, Jr.
Lehman-Roberts, Pat Nelson
LeMoyne-Owen College, Christopher Davis
Linkous Construction Co., Rusty Linkous
Louis Dreyfus Company, Joe Nicosia
LRK, Tony Pellicciotti
Lubin Enterprises, Inc., Nathan Lubin
Mallory Alexander International Logistics, Neely Mallory, III
Martin, Tate, Morrow & Marston, P.C., Clay Purdom
Marx-Bensdorf Realtors, Jimmy Reed
Medtronic, Mike Carter
Memphis Area Associations of Realtors, Amanda Creel
Memphis Area Transit Authority, Bacarra Mauldin
Memphis Capital Group, Joel Banes
Memphis Grizzlies, Jason Wexler
Memphis Light, Gas & Water, Doug McGowen
Memphis Shelby County Schools, Roderick Richmond
Memphis Tomorrow, Blair Taylor
Memphis Tourism, Kevin Kane
Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority, Terry Blue
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, Michael Ugwueke
Meticulous, John Weston
Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc. (MAA), Eric Bolton
Mid-South Drug Testing, Kelly Dobbins
Mimeo, Oliver Doughtie
Monogram Food Solutions, Karl Schledwitz
MoSH, Kevin Thompson
Mueller Industries, Greg Christopher
National Civil Rights Museum, Russ Wigginton
National Guard Products, Lewie Smith
New South Capital Management, Steve Morrow
NexAir, LLC, Bill Proctor
Nickson General Contractors, Octavius Nickson
Nike, Willie Gregory
Normandy Road Ventures, Robert F. Fogelman II
Nucor Steel, Eric Nystrom
Old Dominick, Chris Canale
Olymbec, USA, LLC, Jason Berger
Orgill, Mike Keeney
Orion Federal Credit Union, Ashley McDurmon
OrthoSouth, Thomas Giel, III
OsteoRemedies, Chris Hughes
Oteka Technologies, Alandas Dobbins
Pathmark Transportation, Wes Kraker
Patterson Warehouses, Nathan Bell
PennAKem, Sameer Rupani
Phelps Dunbar, John Bobango
Pickering Firm, Inc., Mike Pohlman
Pickler Wealth Advisors, David Pickler
Pinnacle Financial Partners, Phillip May
Power & Telephone Supply Company, Jennifer Pentecost Sims
Preserver Partners, Dana Pointer
ProTec, Andy Yambrek
Protech Services Group, Inc., Dan Weddle
Raymond James, Ryan Ehrhart
Reaves Law Firm, Henry Reaves
Regional One Health, Reginald Coopwood
Regions Bank, David May
Renasant Bank, Shawn Clayton
Richardson International, Jim Meyer
Ring Container Technologies, Brian Smith
Riviana, Tim Gyovai
RKA Construction, Ryan Anderson
Running Pony, Jonathan Epstein
Saint Francis Healthcare, Scott Smith
Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc., Jason Landrum
Seeding Success, Mark Sturgis
Self + Tucker Architects, Juan Self
Semmes Murphey Clinic, John Lewis
ServiceMaster by Stratos, Stacy McCall
Silver Tree Residential, James Carmichael
Simmons Bank, Chuck Newell
Smith & Nephew, Inc., Craig Gaffin
Southeastern Asset Management, Jessica Pressgrove
SouthernSun Asset Management, Michael Cook
SouthWorth Capital Management, Jeff Presley
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, James Downing
State Systems, Bob McBride
Stragistics Technology, Hughetta Dudley
Stratas Foods, Jack Straton
Strategic Resource Management, Brad Downs
StringBend Capital, Kevin McEniry
Stryker, Jeanine Redden
Superb Staffing, Jonathan Torres
Supreme Staffing, Eduardo Sanchez
Sylvamo, John Sims
Systems Technologies, Jeremy Simpson
TAG Truck Center, Gary Dodson
Tennessee Carriers, Gordon Wynn
Tennessee Valley Authority, Chuck Marquis
The Crump Firm Architects, Metcalf Crump
The J.M. Smucker Company, Carlos Manning
The Peabody Hotel, Doug Browne
The Juice Plus+ Company, Paulo Teixeira
The P3 Group, Dee Brown
The Urban Child Institute, Gary Shorb
Tri-State Truck Center Inc., Jim Maddox
TruckPro, Chuck Broadus
Truist, Ted Miller
Trust Marketing, Ryan Robertson
Turner Construction, Andy Davis
UMRF Ventures, Pierre Landaiche
University of Memphis, Bill Hardgrave
UTHSC, Peter Buckley
Vaco, Justin Farmer
Valero Energy-Memphis Refinery, Eric Brown
Vantiva, Rob Wipper
Varsity Spirit, Bill Seely
Vortex Aviation, Michael Grace
W & T Contracting Corporation, Terrell & Wiley Richards
Waddell & Associates, David Waddell
Ware Jones Realtors, William Ware
Worlds Away, Robert Berry
Worldwide Business Group, Anthony Norris
Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs, LLP, Lee Harkavy
xAI, Brent Mayo
Xcelente Trucking & Logistics Training, Vontyna Durham
Xtent Biomedical, Brad Kilgore
Yates Construction, Alex Teague
YMCA of Memphis & the Mid-South, Jerry Martin
Youth Villages, Pat Lawler

Join Us
If you are interested in becoming a Chairman’s Circle investor, contact Nancy Coffee or call 901-543-3561.