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When you invest in the Greater Memphis Chamber, you invest not only in the success of your business, but in the success of the Greater Memphis region. We are the voice of business in West Tennessee, advocating on behalf of thousands of businesses and working every day to create a strong business climate so that our citizens can prosper.

3 ways the Chamber can help your business grow

1. Get Business Referrals

Be part of the best business list in town.

Member referrals and our customized promotional plans can help propel your business to the next level. Get connected with member businesses through the Chamber Member Directory or participate in our Member Connect program to get connected contacts at member businesses. 


Learn more about the Economic Advantages of Doing Business with Local Companies.  

2. Attract and Retain Talent

Looking for talent? List your open position on the Chamber’s Jobs Board, a free benefit for our members. In addition to inclusion in Memphis Monday Morning email blast, we promote our  member job opportunities across our digital platforms. That means member job listings reaches more than 100,000 people. 

Our members also have access to our exclusive Resume Bank.  Job seekers interested in a job in Memphis from across the country send us resumes and our members have access to a database of talent and resources when they need it. Interested in learning more? Contact us.

The Chamber’s Young Professionals Council is another great talent attraction and retention tool for our member companies. Young professionals from our member companies can get engaged in all the city has to offer through this council. In addition to meeting other young professionals and getting plugged into the city, YP Council members are invited to Corner Offices with CEOs from some of the city’s most impactful companies. They also host mixers and luncheons throughout the year to help members connect with other young professionals. To find out how to get the young professionals in your company involved in YP Council, contact .


The Chamber’s exclusive marketing and sponsorship packages make it possible to get your brand in front of the right audience. We have opportunities ranging from dynamic digital advertising to event sponsorship to elevate your brand and drive awareness for your business. With several new events and programs, there are many opportunities to get your brand in front of the right audience.

In addition, we share Member News, Events and updates across our robust marketing and social platform. We offer opportunities for thought leadership through blog posts and editorial features in our publications that can help take your brand to the next level.  



Curious about how the Greater Memphis Chamber can help you build visibility for your business? Set up an appointment to discuss a customized marketing and promotional plan for your company.


Not a member of West Tennessee’s strongest business network? Learn about all the benefits of Chamber membership. 
