The Greater Memphis Chamber has partnered with business leaders to provide helpful insight and information to share with the business community to help mitigate impacts related to COVID-19. This blog will be updated as new webinars are held. See the available pre-recorded webinars below:
Greater Memphis Chamber Mid-Year Chairman’s Forum
The Greater Memphis Chamber hosted its annual Mid-Year Chairman’s Forum with Chamber Chairman Gregory giving a brief update on activity the Chamber has been engaged in during the first half of the year. Following the Chamber update, Benjamin Pring, co-founder of Cognizant’s Center for the Future of Work, presented as the keynote speaker.
Lunch in the Know Series | Greater Memphis Chamber Small Business Council
Topic: Mental Health Recognition and Response
Topic: How COVID-19 Has Changed Our Work Environment for Employers & Employees
Topic: Leadership in Action
Topic: Shelby County Commission: Leading and Budgeting in a Pandemic
Topic: Considerations on PPP & Bringing Your Employees Back
Topic: What to Expect & Accept
Topic: Taking Care of Your Teammates
Topic: H2 2020 Shaping Your Recovery in the 2nd Half
Topic: Taking your Business from Defense to Offense in Time of Disruption
Description: These are tough times and we need to get everyone thinking ahead. The only option is to come out of this better because there will never going back to “normal.” Marshall Martin will take attendees through an adaptive planning approach around the Four Stages of DSRO (Defense, Stabilize, Reset, Offense). Martin believes: it is those who can get to Offense quicker than others that will prevail.
Navigating The New Norm Series | Greater Memphis Chamber Young Professionals Council
Topic: Adapting to Change, Practicing Self-Care & Planning for Success During COVID-19
Description:Greater Memphis Chamber Young Professionals Council sponsored by Cadence Bank hosts first Navigating the New Norm series with Professional Certified Coach Jen Frank. The core of Jen’s work focuses on personal and professional development, as well as empowering people to take charge of their lives and careers and to be leaders – whether they lead an organization, a team or just themselves. Jen discusses how young professionals can continue to plan for success while practicing self-care during COVID-19. For more information about executive and career coaching for individuals, or workshops for organizations, see www.jenfrankcoaching.com.
COVID-19 Webinar: Return to Work Strategies for Employers | Butler Snow LLP
As “safer at home” and “shelter in place” orders are lifted, employers need to develop effective and legally compliant strategies for bringing employees back to work. This panel discussion addressed the various legal and practical issues, and risks, that arise when bringing employees back from furlough or layoffs, as well as transitioning employees back from telework to “on site” work. The session covered the latest medical and legal guidance on maintaining a safe workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as various laws to keep in mind (and legal pitfalls to avoid) in developing your business’s return to work strategy.
National Small Business Town Hall | Inc. and U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Find out what the federal government’s coronavirus stimulus programs mean to your small business in this presentation from Inc. in partnership with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Briefing on Emergency Coronavirus Funding for 501(c)(3) Nonprofits | U.S. Chamber
Emergency coronavirus funding for nonprofits is included in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation President Carolyn Cawley and U.S. Chamber of Commerce Chief Policy Officer Neil Bradley discuss how the CARES Act impacts nonprofits, what to expect in the implementation phase, and how it can help nonprofits during the coronavirus crisis.
Understanding the COVID-19 Stimulus Implications for Business and Education | U.S. Chamber
The U.S. Chamber Foundation education and workforce leadership partnered with U.S. Chamber employment and small business policy leadership to discuss the implications of recently passed COVID-19 stimulus legislation on the workplace, small business, early childhood education, and K-12 education. See the FAQs from the webinar here, meeting notes here and slide deck here.
Understanding the New SBA Loan Program | HHM CPAs
HHM CPAs Stuart McCallum hosted “Understanding the New SBA Loan Program” to provide clarity around the eligibility requirements. The U.S. Small Business Administration, through the CARES Act, is offering loans to qualifying small businesses with very favorable cost, collateral, and forgiveness terms – yes, loan forgiveness. In an effort to bolster employment and promote economic stability, the SBA is taking unprecedented steps. See the FAQs from the webinar here and slide deck here.
COVID-19: What Actions Employers Should be Taking Right Now | Baker Donelson
In this 18-minute webinar, a panel of experts from Baker Donelson review a list of practices employers should implement and consider now to minimize disruption related to COVID-19. This and additional legal resources are available here.
How to Communicate with Employees and Customers Regarding COVID-19 | Caissa Public Strategy
In this 20-minute live webinar, Brian Stephens, CEO of Caissa Public Strategy will cover how to communicate in a way that builds trust with employees and clients/customers, dismiss rumors and allows your company to communicate in a manner that builds your reputation. Examples of strong messaging will also be covered.
How to Host Virtual Team Meetings and Tips for Virtual Clear Communication | Behind the Scenes
In this 30-minute live webinar, experts from Memphis-based event production company Behind the Scenes learn how to incorporate virtual meetings and events into your work environment. During this webinar you will learn about live streaming options, virtual connections, interactive elements and more that will keep your employees and customers engaged and motivated. We will also discuss the difference in using a webcam meeting compared to a professional camera and lighting.
Helping Businesses Navigate COVID-19 | ProTech Systems Group, Inc.
As the COVID-19 situation evolves, many businesses are wondering what they should be doing to prepare. During this webinar, ProTech’s team of experts will be discussing the tools that businesses need to have in place to enable remote work capabilities for their workforce for collaboration and continuing essential business activities. The team will be on standby to discuss and advise on best practice recommendations to be prepared for future events.
More Webinars:
Beverly Roberston, Chamber President & CEO, talks with Midtown Rotary Club – Watch here
Visit our COVID-19 Business Resources Page for information to help Memphis area businesses minimize impact related to COVID-19.