MATA Announces Temporary Travel Limitations for MATAplus Customers

4:40 pm CST – – Effective Tuesday, March 24, 2020, the Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) will only transport MATAplus paratransit customers to work, medical-related destinations (including dialysis, doctor appointments and pharmacies) and to purchase/collect food from grocery stores, restaurants, or food distribution centers at non-profit organizations. Read more >>

Mayor Strickland’s Daily UPdate includes new guidance for employers

2:30 pm CST – Based on CDC guidance, Mayor Strickland is asking employers to adopt the following practices: 
1. Encourage staff who can to telework
2. Consider the following measures to achieve social distances requirement 
– Spacing workers at the worksite 
– Staggering work schedules 
– Decreasing social contacts in the workplace (limit in-person meetings) 
– All break areas must accommodate distancing 
– Reducing the capacity of customers
3. Strive for flexible leave policies for staff who need to stay home due to school/childcare dismissals.


Shelby county schools alternate meal distribution plan announced

1:00 pm CSTBeginning Monday, March 23, the YMCA will be distributing FREE student meals at all sites previously designated for SCS meals. Read more >>

Gov. Lee Orders all bars, restaurants close except for takeout; gyms closed, nursing home visitation restricted.

11:30 am CSTToday, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed Executive Order 17 calling for businesses across the state to utilize alternative business models beginning at midnight CDT on Monday, March 23, 2020 until midnight CDT April 6, 2020. The order also outlines ways businesses and citizens should work to protect vulnerable populations. In addition:

  • Visitation to nursing homes, retirement homes, and long-term care or assisted-living facilities is now limited to visits involving essential care only.
  • Businesses are encouraged to enact policies that take extra steps to assist vulnerable populations by considering measures such as shopping hours exclusive from the general public.


Visit our COVID-19 Business Resources Page for information to help Memphis area businesses minimize impact related to COVID-19. 


COnfirmed covid-19 cases rise to 58 in shelby county

10:48 am CST –  The Shelby County Health Department reports 58 confirmed cases in Shelby County. There are 83 confirmed cases in the Memphis metro area and 371 in the state of Tennessee.   Read more >>

Nashville Mayor Issues Safer-at-home order

9:45 am CST – Nashville Mayor John Cooper announced a “safer-at-home” order for Davidson County for the next 14 days. The order closes nonessential businesses and urges people to stay at home unless they have an essential need beginning 12:01 a.m. Monday, March 23. Read more >>

March 21 Updates



Visit our COVID-19 Business Resources Page for information to help Memphis area businesses minimize impact related to COVID-19. 
