Memphis, Tennessee (Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2023) — The Greater Memphis Economic Research Group (GMERG) of the Greater Memphis Chamber released its October 2023 Jobs Brief today. Some of the key findings of the report:
- After robust growth in September, the number of jobs in Greater Memphis decreased by 0.3% (1,700 jobs) to a total of 663,300 jobs in October.
- Greater Memphis’ local employment estimate for October 2023 is 7,000 jobs (1.1%) above its pre-pandemic jobs record.
- Most of the Information leads local job growth for the month with a 1.3% increase, followed by a 1.0% increase in Other (Personal) Services. Year-over-year, the Other Services sector is experiencing growth by +3.8% which signals a return to consumer investment in personal services previously sacrificed to other obligations.
Read the Greater Memphis October 2023 Jobs Brief here. Find this and other GMERG reports at https://memphischamberreports.com/. About the Greater Memphis Economic Research Group: The Greater Memphis Economic Research Group (GMERG, pronounced “G-merge”) was launched by the Greater Memphis Chamber in 2021 to provide the economic research and insights crucial to growing Greater Memphis and its businesses. GMERG produces a variety of reports throughout the year. To learn more, visit GMERG’s webpage.