On April 30, the Greater Memphis Chamber Small Business Council hosted Lunch In The Know Webinar “What to Expect & Accept” featuring Dr. Reginald Coopwood – President & CEO Regional One Health.
Host Brian Stephens opened the webinar with a welcome and thanking our partners, Independent Bank and Waddell Associates who provided zoom hosting.
During the session, Dr. Coopwood shared his 10 year journey on how he was able to transform the customer service of Regional One Health. He gave personal examples of some customer service related experiences at different businesses around Memphis.
Here are key takeaways from the webinar when it comes to customer service:
Set high standards, high expectations and hold your team accountable.
Front line people are extremely vital to the customer service experience and identity of the business.
Hold your leaders accountable
Learn from others that are doing it right or get the lessons from those that have done it wrong.
The first time you think of letting go of an employee, do it then. “No employee is better than a bad employee”
Leaders/Employers have to learn how to make tough decisions.
View below the recording of “What to Expect & Accept” webinar:
Upcoming lunch in the know Webinar
The next webinar will take place May 5 at 12pm on the topic Considerations on PPP & Bringing Your Employees Back featuring Charles Rodriguez, Vice President of Human Capital Management, Adams Keegan. Register here.
Presented by the Small Business Council, Lunch in the Know, a once monthly program, has re-emerged as a digital experience available to all members of the Memphis area business community. The virtual event is sponsored by Independent Bank. Southland Casino Racing is the program sponsor and Baptist Memorial Healthcare is the event sponsor.