Daphne Large, founding CEO of Data Facts, got her start in the Consumer Reporting Industry at the young age of 16 at Equifax Services. She recognized a competitive advantage and started Data Facts in 1989 at the age of 27. Data Facts is celebrating its 30th year in business.
Daphne attended the University of Memphis, Equifax Developmental School, Leadership Germantown, the New Memphis Leadership Development Intensive and other Management study. She was inducted into the Society of Entrepreneurs in 2014 and is a frequent contributor to Entrepreneurial and Leadership programming. She has been named CEO of the Year by the MBJ, Super Woman in Business by MBJ, Top Women Owned Business many times, and Data Facts has been named a Top Work Place from 2013 – 2017. Data Facts was founded on the philosophy that if we take great care of our people, they will take great care of our customers who in turn will take great care of Data Facts. They do and it works.
Large currently serves the Memphis community in many capacities. She serves as the Vice-Chair of the Chairmen’s Circle of the Greater Memphis Chamber, serves on the Board of Directors for the Greater Memphis Chamber, is a past Board Chair of New Memphis, served on the University of Memphis LEAD Board, served as the Treasurer on the Board of Directors for Make A Wish Mid-South, served 7 years on the Board of Trustees for St. George’s Independent School and as Vice Chair and Secretary, served on the Youth Villages West Tennessee Board and has held other Board and Executive Committee positions.
Daphne is passionate about giving back and believes to whom much has been given, much is expected. She practices and inspires others to give all you can, as often as you can to as many as you can. She is an ardent William Churchill admirer and believes in his words of “We make a living by what we get; but, we make a life by what we give”.