

It takes hard work, dedication and sometimes good old fashion luck to build a strong, profitable business. One of the best pieces of advice for entrepreneurs and emerging business owners is to get smart insights from people who have been there before.

See what Kelly Dobbins, President of Mid-South Drug Testing Inc. has to say on how she keeps her business growing. 


What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?

The ups and downs of business can be maddening– you don’t know if your company will win that new proposal or contract. The stress can be so much sometimes, and you go through so much internally, but try to not show your staff how worried you are. It’s just part of running a business – never give up.

“When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” Harriet Beecher Stowe

What keeps you motivated?

 I have a passion for learning and love the insight I gain from my employees and customers.  The more I learn from and teach my employees, the better my customers will be taken care of.

I am also motivated by giving– the more that God gives me the more I need to give back in return.  One of our core company values is Giving Back to the Community.


What’s the one thing you wish you’d have known when you started out in business? 

One thing I wish I had known is how broke I would be and how hard breaking the glass ceiling can be.  And, in the midst of all that, how happy and energized I would feel and how much I would learn.  I feel like I have a better understanding of business expectations and how to navigate through gaining new business. 


What’s your best time management hack?

My biggest time management hack is keeping a notebook with me to write down the ideas that come to mind at random times.  Some of the ideas are to do list items, while other times the idea might be solving a problem or thinking about new business and products.


We’ve asked business owners from across the city to share some of their best advice on starting and growing their small business. Want to learn more insights from other Chamber members? Follow the hashtag #MemberAdvice on our social media channels and read more here on our blog.