
It takes hard work, dedication and sometimes good old fashion luck to build a strong, profitable business. One of the best pieces of advice for entrepreneurs and emerging business owners is to get smart insights from people who have been there before.

See what Lauren Ready, Owner of Forever Ready Productions has to say on how she keeps her business growing. 

What do you wish you knew when you started your business?

Sometimes growing means bringing on staff that are more skilled than you. Then things truly become a team effort.

What’s the best advice you ever received?

Define core values and use them to guide decision making. You’ll find that those core values also help you differentiate yourself from competitors.


What’s your best time management hack?

I use Asana, Google Calendar and a good old fashion planner (Full Focus) to keep track of everything in the office and outside of the office.


Any other advice or tips you’d like to share?

Set goals, then set stretch goals. This will give you something to work towards, while also making you and your staff uncomfortable enough to grow.


We’ve asked business owners from across the city to share some of their best advice on starting and growing their small business. Want to learn more insights from other Chamber members? Follow the hashtag #MemberAdvice on our social media channels and read more here on our blog.