
It takes hard work, dedication and sometimes good old fashion luck to build a strong, profitable business. One of the best pieces of advice for entrepreneurs and emerging business owners is to get smart insights from people who have been there before.

See what Susan Mealer, CEO of Answering Advantage LLC has to say on how she keeps her business growing. 


What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?

Find a mentor and be a mentor. 

I’ve found that there is always someone who knows more than me and can give me a different perspective.

Being a mentor gives me the opportunity to share knowledge and experience and to give me a new way of looking at a situation.

My advice in both situations:  Never stop learning.  


Who is your role model and why?

One of my instructors at the University of Memphis Speech and Hearing Masters Program, Brenda Antwine. We both went from working in a clinical setting to healthcare management and beyond. In Brenda, I learned to embrace the world with love and kindness in every situation.   She was my first strong female role model. 

My sister Amy who overcame early personal challenges and dissatisfaction with her initial career path and found something more rewarding.  She is a wonderful example of not being afraid to take risks. She is now a tenured professor at the University of Mississippi and I am very proud of her.


What’s your biggest accomplishment to date? 

Owning this business for 22 years. It’s important to me because I know I have contributed to the lives of many employees and to the city I love. My business has helped many start-up businesses get on their feet and helped existing businesses to grow. The accomplishment continues every day.


We’ve asked business owners from across the city to share some of their best advice on starting and growing their small business. Want to learn more insights from other Chamber members? Follow the hashtag #MemberAdvice on our social media channels and read more here on our blog.