In early 2019, Memphis Light Gas & Water (MLGW) advanced the process for developing an Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) to “accurately determine the most viable options should the utility elect to procure electricity from sources other than the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).”
This action was taken in line with MLGW’s overall efforts to “provide customers with the most reliable and affordable utility service.”
Because the reliability and costs of power are critical to any region’s ability to compete for new jobs and investment, the Chamber has been closely monitoring the situation and working to make sure the business community stays abreast of the information and pros and cons related to this decision.
An overview of the process
The Chamber has been engaged in the process of evaluating information related to power supply options for more than a year.
In April 2019, Beverly Robertson was appointed to represent the Greater Memphis Chamber (and business community at large) on MLGW’s advisory Power Supply Advisory Team (PSAT). Since August 2019, Bobby White, our Chief Public Policy Officer, continues in her place.
Since then, the Greater Memphis Chamber has taken an active role in the overall process and engages its membership in “educational opportunities” with the different proposals that have been set before MLGW.
Additionally, the chamber has hosted meetings with members of the TVA Board and staff, including a tour of the Allen Site Plant. MLGW President, JT Young briefed members of the Chamber’s Board of Directors earlier this year. Then, in late February, Siemens Industry Incorporated briefed members of the Chairman’s Circle, Board of Advisors, Board of Governors and members of the Government Affairs Committee on the process and scenarios that the city of Memphis would have to take into consideration. The Chamber continues to hold educational sessions for Chamber leadership, including the introduction of alternative proposals.
With the draft IRP being made public in the coming weeks and the actions that will advance a determination as to the future for MLGW, Willie Gregory, Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Greater Memphis Chamber, has elected to convene a select committee of Chamber members who help to outline and substantiate any potential position the Chamber will take in this matter.
If you have questions about this process or would like more information, please contact us.