The Offices of the Mayor and the City’s Chief Operating Officer have made the following details clear in the context of the “Safer At Home” Executive Order issued by Mayor Jim Strickland effective on March 24 at 6 pm:

  • Essential businesses do not require an official designation or document that validates their ability to remain open for business. 

  • No law enforcement officials will restrict movements or ask for identification of individuals who are headed to work.

  • Non-essential businesses that are open in violation will be handled by Code Enforcement

Although documentation IS NOT necessary at this time, we have heard it expressed that some businesses feel that their employees would feel a level of security if they did have something to validate them as an essential worker.

If in an overabundance of caution your company would like to provide a letter to employees, here is a sample letter which you could edit and use for this purpose. 

If you have questions, contact Bobby White


Looking for more resources related to COVIID-19? Visit our COVID-19 Business Resources Page.
