Chamber Benefits, Inc. (CBI), a subsidiary of The Greater Memphis Chamber, is pleased to inform you of the 5 products that will help your business during these times. CBI was created to grow membership by providing high quality and affordable solutions for local businesses, while providing an additional revenue source for the work of the Chamber.
The Product line includes:
ChamberCare – Health and Wellness Clinics sponsored by the Company that will provide unlimited access to a primary care physician to manage the employees’ health and guaranteed to lower your overall Health Care spend.
MemComp – In partnership with Salus Insurance, CBI launched MemComp which is a worker’s compensation insurance product that was created to help local businesses manage the costs of their workers comp insurance. Primary industries that MemComp targets are those that other workers compensation companies shy away from most notably construction, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation and distribution.
MemComp and Salus’s mission is to mitigate workplace injuries and deliver exceptional healthcare outcomes for injured workers that expedites their return to work, preserves their families economic livelihoods, and enhances their employees productivity.
As a result of lower overall costs/claim, your company could benefit from
79% reduction in cost/claim
59% faster return to work
20% more claims closed < 3 months
To learn more or get a quick quote you can call 1-866-MEM-COMP or visit www.memcompinsurance.com.
Covid-19 Testing, Contact Tracing & PPE – CBI has recently partnered with ReCover Health to offer Chamber members white glove service for testing and contact tracing to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. ReCover Health has a solution to keeping your business operating and doors open even if you have an outbreak. Here are the list of services provided:
Convenient COVID-19 Testing
Weekly or Monthly testing required for employees
Testing offered on-site or designated location
Fast test results available via their smartphone app
Weekly self-assessments to screen for exposure available via smartphone app
Contact Tracing
Unique contact tracing technology supports rapid containment and mitigates further spread of the virus
Predictive analytics are applied to reduce the disruption of operations by accurately identifying potential exposures
Predictive analytics forecasts future hot spots and guides mitigation strategies
Technology enables constant communication and increased information flow
Personal Protective Equipment
PPE provided for all employees
Reduced pricing and guaranteed adequate supply of PPE
ReCover Health’s services enable our industry partners and clients to demonstrate that effective safety measures are in place to successfully mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and strengthen overall public confidence.
To learn more information contact Ted Ferris.
Thermal Camera and Face Mask Detection System – SkyCop has a thermal camera and AI face detection function to ensure masks are worn. CBI has partnered with SkyCop to offer this device to Chamber members at a competitive cost. The camera takes the temperature of multiple people at once and prevents business from having to use a thermometer on every person that enters the building. If the temperature is elevated, an audio warning for further testing is needed before entering. It can detect if a mask is on properly or not and will sound an audio warning if issue arises. The data that is taken from the camera is saved in the system so that reports can be reviewed later.
PPE – Finally if you need PPE’s, you can purchase them at Yuletide in small quantities or bulk. CBI and the Chamber receive a fee for these sales.
CBI is pleased to be able to provide these resources to businesses in the Greater Memphis region. Investment in these products is an investment in the work of the Chamber. If you want to learn more about these products contact Ted Ferris.