More than 100 students from across Greater Memphis took tours of various manufacturing facilities as part of the Greater Memphis Chamber’s celebration of National Manufacturing Month.
Presented by the University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services, and in partnership with Memphis-Shelby County Schools and the American Job Center/Equus, the Chamber organized the following activities throughout the month of October:
October 6
Activity: Apprenticeship Program Kick-off with Atlantic Track and TCAT-Memphis
- Students from Manassas, Southwest CTE and Kingsbury High Schools toured Atlantic Track.
- Apprenticeships will include welding and machining.
- Signing day for the apprentices will take place in November.
October 19
Activity: Student tours of manufacturing facilities.
- Over 100 students from various local high schools toured the following manufacturers: Memphis Cellulose, Ace Pumps Corporation, Engineered Medical Systems, Nucor Steel Memphis, Varsity Spirit, Hyosung HICO Ltd.
October 30
Activity: Manufacturing companies visited schools/manufacturing programs.
- Nucor Tour of Southwest Tennessee Community College
- Memphis Cellulose Tour of TCAT-Bartlette
- Ace Pumps Corp. Tour of Moore Tech
Other Activities
Activity: Educators and Community-Based Organizations Tours
- October 10: Engineered Medical Systems Tour with Chamber President/CEO Ted Townsend
- October 24: Riviana Foods Tour
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