Memphis, Tenn. March 23, 2020 –The Greater Memphis Chamber has launched a new Job Listing page for companies with immediate hiring needs in the Memphis area. The site can be accessed from the Chamber’s COVID-19 Business Resources Page.

“Our team is speaking with local business leaders on a daily basis and despite the challenging climate for many businesses, there are many local companies with immediate hiring needs,” said Beverly Robertson, President and CEO of the Greater Memphis Chamber. “We want to share that information with the broader community as quickly as possible to help connect people with opportunities and help our businesses get the workforce they need.”

Some companies with immediate hiring needs include Kroger, Amazon, Lehman Roberts, PSF Web and more.

As part of the Chamber’s COVID-19 Response, the organization is contacting Memphis area businesses daily. They are also executing a COVID-19 Business Impact Survey to quantify impact on local businesses. We will rerun that survey every 2-3 days for the next few weeks to get a better idea of the economic impact in real time. Those findings will be shared publicly as they are aggregated.

For more information, visit

Apryl Childs-Potter

Chief Marketing Officer

Greater Memphis Chamber

901-238-5521 (cell)

Do you have available jobs in the Memphis area? Contact us to be listed. 

Looking for other resources to help your business mitigate the impact of COVID-19? Visit our Resource Page.

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