Get to know Kenneth Worles, Jr., Owner of Three(i) Creative Communications, LLC and Greater Memphis Chamber 2019 Young Memphis Honoree.
What event or accomplishment has been the most impactful for your career so far?
I think jumping out on my own and launching Three(i) full-time has been the most impactful event of my career. There’s a lot of challenges that come with growing a small business. Being able to use as much time as I could to provide solutions to those problems was a key moment.
What motivates you to be active in your community or profession?
I remember when I started and didn’t have many mentors or relationships in the marketing/advertising industry. I saw how much that slowed down growth and learning for me. I vowed to make sure that I’m as engaged and resourceful as possible for other young minority Memphians looking to get into this industry.
What does “being a young professional in Memphis” mean to you?
Being a young professional in Memphis is one heck of a roller coaster: The excitement, anxiety, and the rush of being up to bat in a city you care so much about. Being a young professional means you have the responsibility to do three things (1) do your best in your current position, (2) be a mentor to the next generation, (3) and hold the generation before you accountable to pass the baton.
What do you like about living in Memphis?
The best part about living in Memphis is the culture. From the Hip-Hop indie artists like Cochi$e and Herion Young, a dope art scene from The CLTV, to Papa Bear Skins and those honey gold wings at Chings, Memphis culture is one of a kind.
What advice do you have for new young professionals interested in starting or building their career in Memphis?
My advice would be to maximize your relationships in and outside the city of Memphis. The term “6 degrees of separation” has dropped to 2 degrees, and you’re now in a place to reach heights that weren’t conceivable 10- 20 years ago as a young Memphian. Build, grow, and appreciate your professional relationships, and I promise you’ll see success in no time.
Who do you most admire and why?
Geesh, this is hard. Lol. I’d say Robert Church Sr. He is known as the first African-American “millionaire” in the South, and savior of Memphis after the Yellow Fever Epidemic during the final decades of the 19th century. Mr. Church was the epitome of black enterprise when black entrepreneurship was just a dream to most African Americans living in Memphis during the early 1900s. He understood strong partnerships, effective business scalability, diversification, and most importantly, community investment. I aspire to build successful businesses that, in return, build communities and inspire generations to come – such as Robert Church Sr. once did.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In the next 10 years, I see myself being a servant to our favorite city and her residents. I want to be able to serve Smokey City, Mitchell Heights, Orange Mound, and everything in between. However the universe permits, I hope to be in a position to help as many people as possible.
What’s your favorite thing about being a young professional in Memphis?
I love the fact that Memphis is a blank canvas for so many people. It allows anyone who’s willing to pull out a paint brush to paint whatever picture they want. And the best part is, the entire country is currently looking at Memphis to see what its musicians, its entrepreneurs, its chefs, and its politicians are painting. Memphians paint with soul!
Interested in getting plugged in? Learn more about the Chamber’s Soundcheck Young Professionals Council here.